Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lemons and Tube-Socks

(Ok, let's not even pretend that you didn't know that was going to be the title of this month's post.)

So, I think that everyone in attendance last night will agree that last night's potluck dinner was INCREDIBLE!! I am so glad that I surround myself with people so gifted in the culinary arts. HOLY CRAP, people, you are amazing, and I will be avoiding the scale for about two weeks until I am sure that I have had time to work off the massive amounts of food that I ate. Seriously, I don't think that I have ever eaten so much incredible food! PLEASE leave your recipes as comments to this post so that we can all attempt to re-create the loveliness.

The book that we discussed was "Garden Spells". It was, as I stated last night, like reading mashed potatoes and warm and comforting. Everyone agreed that, while the book was not particularly deep and thought provoking, it was a very relaxing read. It was a book that made you want to get in your sweats and curl up in a warm blanket, or jump in a bubble bath to read it. It was the perfect book to read while we were in the middle of the craziness of the holidays. Michelle did an AMAZING job leading the discussion, and we all really enjoyed her pick. Thanks a ton, Michelle...we look forward to reading more of your suggestions.

Next month we will be reading two books..."The Hunger Games", and "Catching Fire". We usually don't read more than one book in a month unless there is a special circumstance, and we felt that as the books are such easy and quick reads, and the story is one that you will want to continue following, we would read them both. The majority of people who have read them have enjoyed them...and there are those who have really disliked I am betting on January's discussion being a really good and lively one. :) We will be meeting at Trulee's house, Gandalf will be leading the discussion, and treats will be provided by Michelle, Echo, and Keri. (Echo...can I suggest brownies...wink).

As always, I love the opportunity to recharge each month and be with you amazing women. I am so grateful to stretch my mind and view things in a different way than I might have otherwise. I also am so glad to be associated with such strong women.