Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Apparently, Remaining Friends with Previous Boyfriends Makes You a Vampire...

So, bookclub was last evening, and I must say...Kudos to Marf for a lovely and well researched discussion! The evening was lovely, except for a slight situation involving some garlic, a possessed cook, and a cell phone, but all was (sort-of) resolved, and those involved will be forced to suffer the consequences when they least expect it!

I think that everyone really enjoyed the book--and I echo Janette in saying it was really fun to be involved in reading something that has influenced so many things for so many years. If you did not get the chance to read this one, you really should, regardless.

Next month, we will be reading "The Memory Keeper's Daughter". It is one that will give you a lot to think about. This one is very discussable. We will be keeping the date in Nov. the same as always, despite the fact that it will fall on the same week as Thanksgiving--and if this is a really ugly problem for anyone, please let me know as soon as possible. We will be meeting at Carah's house, Carah and Jess will be providing the treats (I still need a third to help--please let me know if this could work for you) and I am leading the discussion.

Also, please note the sidebar has been updated with the most current information for next year. I welcome any input on the selections.

I hope to see you all there, and as always, e-mail, call, or post to this blog any questions or concerns.