Monday, December 1, 2008

November-a month of Memory's

A big thank you to Carah for letting us invade her house to hold Book Club! I would also like to thank her for the salad that I had about 3 helpings of...
There were a few things decided that you all should know about: 1. The December book is The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver 2. We are meeting December 30 at Jill Washburns house (Windsor Court, Bountiful) 3. We are doing a pot luck dinner-assignments will be forth coming (although I loved Carah's salad, we do not want 15 of them)
There will be many emails coming your way to keep you up to beat with what we are doing so look for them!
The Memory Keepers Daughter was an emotional book for us. We all agreed that David was a looser, but we (I) still felt sorry for him. Norah needed to "grow a pair and leave him", but the era was such that she couldn't. Paul had a crappy childhood and Pheobe had a happy one. And Ann was amazing and deserved the happiness that came to her in the end. The discussion was great but was cut short due to some of us having to leave...sorry guys! All in all we were glad we read it, not sure how many of us would read it again though-
Happy Reading, Merry Christmas, and get started on The Poisonwood Bible (it is a good one that will have much to discuss-I promise)