Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Biting Tree and a Vulgar Bird

Thanks to Mel for letting us crash her house for bookclub last month. We had a lovely dinner, and it was the perfect oppurtunity to decompress from the stress of the Holliday.

The general concensus was that "The Poisonwood Bible" was an excellent read. I think that we all had the oppurtunity to reflect on the damage of judgement on a race of people, a religion, or even an individual. For those of you that were not able to read it, it is definentaly worth the read.

January's selection is "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak. I have not heard anything but praise for this book, so everyone find a copy and get started! I look forward to this discussion. Ste(r)fie will be leading the discussion, and we will be meeting at Carah's home. Carah and myself are currently the only two bringing treats, so if anyone is willing to lend their cullinary skills, it will be appreciated. Also, I will be printing out a list of the schedule for the upcomming months, so please make an effort to come.


Marf said...

I would like to take this moment to personally verbally assault all those involved with the egg assault on Stef's truck. I like eggs, I enjoy them fried, scrambled, boiled and on toast. But the night of bookclub I did not enjoy them at all. Stupid eggs. And to the young whipper-snappers who think it is funny to throw eggs at people's cars.........Karma is all I can say.

The Munkies said...

i would also like to second marf's rage at the egg throwing loosers. and a big thank you to mel, jess, dena, and marf for helping me clean the FROZEN egg off my truck! TIS THE SEASON PEOPLE!
i am slightly suspisous of stacy and cheri as to their quick departure after dinner...then carah and sharla "were tired" and also left early...hmmmmm i am watching you!