Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jellied Fish Heads and Desperate Women

Hello book clubbers that I love: Last night was a FANTASTIC night!! Jeanette made the most AMAZING chicken enchilada's, guacamole, salsa, homemade bread and salad. Trulee brought us (straight from SWEDEN) Jellied Fish Heads and drugged pastries. And June brought us lovely breads of all sorts and flavors. I am not going to lie it was the BEST food to date. I ate until I almost burst then ate some more! Thanks to the treats committee we should all take a lesson from them...hint hint

We would like to welcome Krisanne Lewis into the group!! She is the mother of 2 boys, lives in Foxboro, and is the Occupational Therapist at Spectrum Academy (yes, she is my friend and so aware of the craziness...).

The good news for the night was that EVERYONE present read the book AND everyone had something to say! Out of respect for Jill who has not yet finished it, I will end speaking of the crazy man now. It was a great discussion on crazy Russian people and their food...blah. And if anyone knows who Mrs. C is please let me know I owe her a knuckle sandwich.There were a few developments of business to discuss:

1. Next month looks like this--Date: April 28th, 2009 Book: Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons Discussion: Echo House: Kristi (2150 S something E...across from the church) 801-294-6576 Treats: After much debate....Melanie, Trulee-(again what a devoted treat bringer!), Sharla, Kristi (I volunteered and Echo 2nded)

2. Atlas Shrugged is on the list for June...why? Stefie Shrugged. This monster book is 1164 pg long. I have started it and it is an easyish read and I DO like it a lot. But you all might want to get started on it soon, so check it out, purchase it, or borrow it...doesn't matter-just READ IT!

3. Dena is deserting the book club to go see a musical that is not that popular and not that amazing (I think the name is something like WICKED!! ) I offered to take her place so she could come to book club but alas, she disinclined to acquiesce to my request...

Well, happy reading this month and see you soon! If there is anyone not getting the email that should be please let me know asap so I can get them on the list...thanks!

The Cap'm

(Thanks to the Cap'm for writing this month's blog entry. I stole it from the e-mail that she sent. Thanks, Cap'm! Love, Gandalf)


Tinkerbell said...

I wish I could come to bc this month. I actually read/listened to it!!!! See y'all next month! Love to all!