Friday, May 15, 2009

Angry Housewives of the World, UNITE!!

Last month's book club was least for me. I spent a large majority of the month sobbing as I read the book. I didn't personally relate with any one character in the book per Se...I related with the novel as a whole. I found myself very appreciative for the fact that I have such amazing women in my life to lean on when I am in one of my valleys, and for the fun that we have when I am on a peak. I know, as I stated in the meeting, that any one of us would be there in whatever way was necessary for each other. I appreciate being in the company of such wonderful people. I think that women frequently need other women to work out difficulties that may arise. I am just really glad that all of you are those women for me.

I need to thank everyone for their contributions to the meeting as well. Kristi volunteered her lovely home, and treats were provided by Trulee, Sharla, and myself. I also appreciated Echo for both suggesting this book, and for the amazing discussion. (...and the potential use of her mother's van if ever needed.) ;)

Don't forget that we will be choosing the next few month's worth of books at the next meeting, so come with ideas. Also, we will be selecting locations etc. for our next meetings, so it would be helpful if as many people as possible were there.

Don't forget to read "Atlas Shrugged". It really is a great book, but will take you a while to get get on that as well.

I love you all!!


Melanie said...

Hey Dee--can we get your yummy fruit salsa recipe posted here . . . or just sent to me? : )